Interview de Joe Alves: le Director’s Cut

Posted by | Posted in INFOS | Posted on 16-02-2011

Le director’s cut de Jaws 3D est désormais le sujet de conversation préféré des fans. En témoigne le nombre assez important de messages me demandant d’ apporter des précisions au sujet de ce montage malheureusement inédit. Joint par E-mail, le réalisateur Joe Alves a une fois de plus fait preuve d’ une extrême générosité en acceptant de se confier aux visiteurs de . Autant dire que ces révélations exclusives devraient satisfaire la curiosité des amateurs de requins blancs mécaniques!

1/ Joe, nous avons parlé, il y a quelques jours de votre director’s cut. Avez-vous conservé une copie? ou Universal?
« First let me explain the producer of Jaws 3D was Alan Landsburg, a low budget television producer. The studio sold him the rights because they had no confidence in a 3rd Jaws. When I came aboard, and eventually came up with the idea of Jaws 3D, the studio got excited about it. But Alan had a strong position in the final cut. Producers in television really control the end product. So when I was doing my final cut, he was doing his cut at the same time. He eliminated a lot of the personal relationships of the people that I had in my cut. And basically the studio agreed with him because they saw the commercial value of a shorter movie because they could get 5 screenings in a day instead of 4. I don’t think my cut really exists any where« .

2/ Les coupes effectuées par Landsburg concernaient d’ avantage la psychologie des personnages ou l’ action? Quelles scènes vous manquent le plus?

« It’s hard to remember. I got in as much action as we were able to shoot, having a limited amount of cameras, because they were made especially for Jaws 3D, we didn’t have a great deal of shot selection to choose from for the action sequences, which are normally shot with many cameras. I can’t recall one particular scene at this time. But I’m sure at that time I was upset about quite a few things in the shorter version. A good 25 minutes of my cut was eliminated.  »

Un grand merci à notre ami Joe Alves qui a d’ors et déjà promis de revenir très prochainement nous dévoiler d’ autres secrets entourant le troisième volet des Dents de la mer. En attendant, je vous invite à noter dans vos agenda que mon anniversaire aura bien lieu le 25 février…

31 ans, soyez généreux.

Comments posted (1))

  1. OMG I would love to see a new version of JAWS 3-D with 25 extra minutes of footage. I hope Universal tries to locate this footage for the Blu-Ray release.

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