Mike Schultz nous parle de ses projets (2/4)

Posted by | Posted in DIVERS | Posted on 03-11-2011

Bon nombre de sceptiques me font part de leurs doutes concernant la possibilité de voir apparaitre prochainement sur le marché une reproduction fidèle du requin des Dents de la mer 3. Effectivement, le matériel promotionnel concernant la star du film est assez maigre et ces interrogations sont parfaitement légitimes. Il me semble donc judicieux de poser directement la question à notre ami Mike Schultz qui ne manquera pas de nous rassurer.

There are very few promotional material and informations about the Jaws 3D shark. From what document you’re working on this model?
« Our version of the Bruce 3D shark is based solely on the full scale underwater filming model as depicted in the sketch that I provided you for this article We are pleased to announce our alliance with you and your site. If it were not for your help and direct feedback , as well as critique and supply of photo reference materials than I would most likely fail in replicating this shark faithfully. Thankfully you have supplied me with some incredible material, enough to measure and scale up to match the scale of our other Ultimate Bruce Shark Collector’s Set. Your provided reference materials and the photoshop enhanced screen-grabs from the movie have provided everything that we have needed and then some. Bruce 3D will be both Dynamic and Incredible!

From your provided material I have been sketching the Bruce 3D both on paper and in clay. My latest 2 models are already much more accurate than the old dusty head on my shelf from 2010. We are confident that the All New Full Length Bruce 3D NTT Model will be absolutely screen accurate in every way. We have even found a few nice surprise details to include. That’s one of our favorite things to do is to include little known details into our models to educate fans with. Discovery is a fun thing!

You see, our background is in producing Museum Displays. Oftentimes full scale ones at that. The purpose of our models is two-fold; to record history and also to educate. We know that most people buy them just because they are pretty cool and perfectly accurate.
But that doesn’t mean that they can’t have neat things to discover and learn about for years to come too.. We tend to think of our Shark Displays as well rounded experiences for our friends and fans. They are not just any Shark models, they are the best of the best so far.
It is often very difficult to follow behind perfection! »

N’ hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur tel ou tel aspect de la réalisation du très attendu Jaws 3D NTT.

Comments posted (1))

  1. I looks great, but I think the mouth is not yet faithful to the Bruce 3 shark. For me it seems that the lower jaw should not be that big and the gum/teeth are not yet like those in the film.

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